Tz'utujil artist Antonio Pichilla’s 2007 sculpture Envoltorio (Wrapper) is an unknown object wrapped in red fabric. In Mayan cultures, there is a tradition of wrapping things for various purposes. Food, personal belongings, and objects with special spiritual energy such as bones, the objects of ancestors, or stones, might be wrapped in textiles that serve as protectors of the object’s magical energy.
Read more in María Iñigo Clavo
Traces, Signs, and Symptoms of the Untranslatable Journal #108 - April 2020
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on this page, we have collected a broad range of references for you to browse through, to read, to try. These ingredients form and inform the work we are doing in our collective/assembly cookbook circulation. Scroll and click around, graze, borrow, share and enjoy!
cookbook library
videothek kitchenette
re-construction sites
assembly manuals
on assembly
scores, scripts, notation, recipes
"when bodies assemble on the street, in the square, or in other forms of public space (including virtual ones) they are exercising a plural and performative right to appear, one that asserts and instates the body in the midst of the political field, and which, in its expressive and signifying function, delivers a bodily demand for a more livable set of economic, social, and political conditions no longer afflicted by induced forms of precarity"
Butler, Judith - Towards a Performative Theory of Assembly (260-61)

Definition of assemble (English Language Learners Definition)
: to collect (things) or gather (people) into one place or group
: to meet together in one place
: to connect or put together the parts of (something, such as a toy or machine)

Definition of assemblage
1: a collection of persons or things : GATHERING
2: the act of assembling : the state of being assembled
3a: an artistic composition made from scraps, junk, and odds and ends (as of paper, cloth, wood, stone, or metal)
b: the art of making assemblages

Ikea cookbook 'Homemade Is Best' 2010
Zsolt Liber (student project) inspired by Ikea assembly system.
architectures of love, care and temporality
An introduction to Assemblism by Jonas Staal (artist, New Unions) as part of the second performative conference of Propositions #2: Assemblism.
25.11.2017, BAK, Utrecht (NL).
Repetition and detours are the aleph and gamut of making and getting familiar with an architecture of words - clogged arteries, back alleys, town squares, malls, gated communities, slums, palaces, suburbs, zip-codeless peripheries, etc, etc
- Roy Voragen, reading LWs PI

A long-lost medieval cookbook, containing recipes for hedgehogs, blackbirds and even unicorns
The pavilion was barely more than a few steel perforated frames, attached together with the help of some wooden beams. Over time, water (from snow
and wind) would gather in the perforation and immediately freeze because of the cold temperature of the steel (and the air).
The ice would turn the frames into solid walls, able to shelter the people inside from the icy winds. Temperatures in the pavilion were still very cold, but slightly more pleasant than the temperature outside of the pavilion. The potential of water (a fluid) to turn into ice (a solid) is used here as a construction method.
medieval marginalia (annotations, writings in the margins)
kitchen histories
The director recommends that, when the film is shown, a toaster oven containing several heads of garlic be turned on in the rear of the theater, unbeknownst to the audience, with the intended result that approximately halfway through the showing the entire theater will be filled with the smell of garlic.
The Cook, the Farmer, his Wife and their Neighbour (De kok, de kweker, zijn vrouw en hun Buurman)
Community gardens & kitchen in Amsterdam West
jennifer rubell
texts & storytelling
Radical interdependence, autonomy, and the making of worlds. Duke University Press, 2018.
in Slow Reader: A Resource for Design Thinking and Practice, edited by Carolyn F. Strauss and Ana Paula Pais. A SlowLab Collaboration with Valiz. pp. 85-95. Amsterdam, Valiz Publishers. 2016
Uzma Rizvi - Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Urban Studies at Pratt Institute of Art and Design
Decolonization as Care
Designs for the Pluriverse
Arturo Escobar is Professor of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Research Associate with the Culture, Memory, and Nation group at Universidad del Valle (Cali) and the Cultural Studies groups at Universidad Javeriana (Bogota).
How to Become a Feminist Design Power Tool
Helene Frichot
This is your group landing page. You also each have an individual page where you add documentation of the experiments. You can customize and organize your own page as you likej....
Collective/Assembly experiments with un/learning how to work, study, make, share, circulate, and be, together. And nourishes new forms of physical/digital assembly that destabilize dominance. And reimagines habits of sharing/solidarity. And disrupts mechanisms that reproduce precarity/toxicity. And enacts experimental/ethical ways of making public. Slash, and, et cetera.

(click here to read more about the new minor)
book review by Ozan Karaman of Manual DeLanda's book "A New Philosophy of Society: Assemblage Theory And Social Complexity" 2006
kitchen table
kitchen table press - women of color in the united states making their own publication house to publish intersectional feminist texts
Anna and Lawrence Halprin, Take Part— scores and choreography for urban planning workshops (backgrounds in dance and landscape architecture)
Molucccans meeting within their homes when mosques were typically not permitted in the Netherlands (70s and 80s)
scene from Naomi Klein's The Take — workers take over the factory in Buenos Aires during labor disputes during austerity crisis of 2001
scene from Naomi Klein's The Take — workers take over the factory during labor disputes during austerity crisis of 2001
atelier d'architecture autogeree, Ecobox — community based architecture studio in Paris creating spaces around food
Can Masdeu — famous squat in hills above Barcelona with communal farms — defended eviction by balancing themselves on sticks held away from the building (threatening self harm if moved, a successful defense, the squat remains)
der Essentisch - Essen, Germany
Gordon Matta Clark - Splitting
Marco Cassagrande - Floating Sauna
Floating University - Berlin
Raumlabor - building and learning together, making a House for One
Raumlabor - public temporary stove
cohabitation strategies - architecture firm based in Rotterdam
Alexander Brodsky - Ice Pavilion
Food Not Bombs anarchist cookbook
Travels Through South Indian Kitchens - book by japanese architect Nao Saito
Raumlabor - diy chair assembly
A Monks Guide to a Clean House and Mind
perpetual soup, continuity for over 40 years - Wattana Panich in Bangkok
shell middens — neolithic and paleolithic mounds of shell deposits from eating sites
neolithic longhouse excavation site drawings — showing relation and movements among and between the houses — spaces and relations of food eating, preparation, storage, rubbish and relation to animals and wider landscape unfixed
traditional heated eating table, korsi in Iran and Kotatsu in Japan
struggles and festivities played out on the european medieval commons
Dining Disorder - Sara Wigglesworth
Science of the Secondary - Atelier HOKO
Das Boot, West German film about WW2 uboats — commons also as a site of dealing with a situation collectively that wasnt choosen
San Pedro Prison La Paz Bolivia, prisoners living semi-autonomously cooking, making and buying/selling on market
Standing Rock camp in so-called South Dakota — commons as both building defenses and capacity to live together in the elements, negotiating differences
Gezi Park occupation map Istanbul 2013
history of monks and scholars doodling in the margins of text before era of mass-production— site of dissent and informal knowledge
drawing of use of domestic house and kitchen during the bombings in sarajevo — eating practices also during times of conflict
exhibition on the Soviet communal kitchen during the 1920s and 30s by artists ILYA & EMILIA KABAKOV
english kitchens forcing dogs to run in a treadmill in order to fan the flames of fires
behind the scenes making of the famous exhibition from Judy Chicago of 'The Dinner Table', highlighting women that were excluded from art history
Latifah Idriss photos of abandoned kiosk stands in Ghana
Beverly Buchannon's stones that were left in the woods of Georgia, unmarked and unannounced — connected to opacity, being undocumented (also by the art world), and being able to leave things behind, letting them decay
The Oyster Tidal Table - Cooking Sections
Federico Rizzo